Seventh Grade Accelerated English - Summer Reading List
Choose one (1) to read:
The Blackbird Girls (Anne Blankman) - historical fiction
96 Miles (J.L. Esplin) - realistic fiction
The Mystwick School of Musicraft (Jessica Khoury) - fantasy
Stamped (Jason Reynolds) - nonfiction
Complete a creative project of your choosing.
Really, it can be A N Y T H I N G you want it to be.
We want to see your brain in action through your creativity.
Your project, regardless of what you create, must include the following:
o Title
o Author
o Genre (cite three pieces of evidence that prove the genre)
o Setting (time and place and how these are important to the story/situation)
o Characters, identifying the protagonist and antagonist (or key people if nonfiction)
o At least five major plot points, including conflict and resolution
The project is due on Thursday, August 26, 2021.
In class, you will write a summary of the book and a review of the book. These will be written the week of August 23 in class. Your teacher will give you an exact date and parameters when the time comes.
If you have any questions ...
contact Mrs. Davis ( or Mrs. Grissom (