Central Middle School's STEM Animation team, composed of Rylee Ruddick, Chloe Robbins, and Echo Carpenter, won 1st Place at the Technology Student Association's state conference. The team also won 4th place in Leadership Strategies at the TSA Eastern Region Conference.
The STEM Animation competitive event allows participants to use computer graphic tools and design processes to communicate, inform, analyze and/or illustrate a topic, idea, subject, or concept. This year's topic for their entry at TSA Nationals was about COVID-19 and gaming PCs, with a 3-minute time limit and 26-page portfolio. You can view their entry.
On August 10, district voters will have the opportunity to continue to invest in the district's award-winning STEM programs, which offer a continuous pathway in both computer science and engineering from Pre-Kindergarten through 12th Grade. Passage of the bond issue would provide vital annual funding for equipment and services, as well as laboratory equipment for the district's middle and high school science classes, without increasing the property tax rate.
Chloe Robbins, sponsor Lolly Williams, Team Captain Rylee Ruddick, and Echo Carpenter